Friday, July 19, 2024


If I was the devil

Carl Hewett

If I was the devil, I would enjoy the fact that people, even God’s people, are looking for a computer chip or some kind of device to be implanted in them. A device to keep them in fear of something to come that might

already be here.  Fear is not of God, follow this, in the beginning it was said of that old serpent the devil and Satan that Revelations calls him, and Genesis calls him a beast.  The most subtle one of the field that God created.  The field in the New Testament is called the world.  Satan’s influence comes from out of the world or it’s system.  A system, instead of trusting in God, an idea as was in the beginning that you don’t need God or his influence to make it.  You can be God, make your own decisions, the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil.  A tree that is good for food, pleasant to the eye, and will make one wise.  To fall for this idea is to receive its mark.  The word for mark as in mark of the beast is not implant but a word that in the Greek means, mark, impress, or seal.  You have heard the term in our language, he’s a marked man, or you have been impressed upon, or sealed with something.  Even God uses this word, seal, when He (God) says, I have sealed my servants with the Word of God in their foreheads (mind of Christ).  When it is said that the mark of the beast is in their foreheads and hands is more speaking of what they are putting their minds to instead of letting this mind be in you that was also in Christ Jesus. Whatever a man puts his hand to, which comes from his mind (as a man thinketh so is he).  Unregenerated man will try to produce his own way. So, see, it is way more subtle that man has thought.  It’s like if Satan wore a red suit had a tail and a pitchfork, you and I would just find him and destroy him.  It’s time to stop the traditions of men and it’s teaching and use the Word of God to explain the Word. The number of this kind of man is 666. Six is the number of men created on the sixth day. Three is the number of fullness or completeness or I can say the fullness of what man can become without God.  Remember the first time of man’s destruction, every thought (mind or forehead) and intent (what he put his hands too) became evil continually.  So, God put an end to it in that age.   

 In the parable of the wheat and tares, the field is the world.  The field where both good seed and bad seed are planted.  The bad seed was planted in the night by the enemy.  They are to grow together till the time of harvest.  The good seed (wheat) will be identified by maturing to a golden color.  Gold represents the nature of God.  The bad seed (tares) mature black and is becoming easier to see in this world that we live.  The harvest is the end where there will come separation, the tares will be gathered first and put into bundles and burned.  Then the wheat will be gathered into the Father’s barn and used for good and seed, planting a new creation in Christ Jesus.  A new heaven and a new earth.  God has always replanted or started again, just look at Noah.  It’s just that this next time is the last time He will do it.  Everything will be good and very good.   

There are many arks in the Bible.  The first one I can see unless you want to use the Garden of Eden as one, is Noah’s ark of safety.  It had to be built according to the plan or it would not have worked.  I see another in Moses, an ark of bullrushes, used as a protector for the man of God.  The only man besides Christ that was called a mediator between God and man.  Also, the Ark of the Covenant, it also was a protector of the law of God, provision, and priesthood and now the Ark which Christ is another ark of safety, this ark has come to live in us the children of God, our hearts which is now the innermost sanctuary of God.  Where his law is no longer written on tablets of stone but on the fleshly tables of men’s hearts.  This ark, like the first one, must be built according to plan or it won’t work.   

 The blueprint is God’s Word in its entirety, the precious Holy Ghost, will do what he was given to do, lead us and guide us into all Truth.  Thank you, God. 

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